The FracDrill™ Series is designed to maximize durability, reduce motor stalls, and keep cuttings small. The engineered design protects the PDC cutting elements, extending the life of the drill bit and BHA components for longer laterals with higher plug counts. • Drill more plugs with fast plug times and small cuttings High Plug Counts Require a More Advanced Solution FracDrill™ was specifically engineered to reduce torque response by managing the over-engagement of cutters. Field test data has validated FracDrill’s™ low tq response and demonstrated that its tq is equal to, or less than, that of a junk mill. Junk mills are cheap and disposable. However, they continue to have issues in regards to consistency, durability, and reliability. With advancements in fracking technology and increasing stage counts, the technical limits of Junk mills are being exceeded in today’s challenging drillout jobs. FracDrill™ represents the most cost effective and advanced frac plug drilling solution on the market today with specific case studies to prove it. (See the FracDrill™ case studies which show FracDrill™ consistently and reliably maintaining OD with faster plug times and smaller cutting sizes than that of a junk mill.) We have not received any concerns or complaints about the amount of WOB needed on any FracDrill™ runs. One reason is that a PDC bit requires less WOB than roller cones or junk mills. Roller cones fail material through compressive failure that typically requires higher WOB than failing through shearing failure. Junk mills will typically have far more load bearing/face points of contact as compared to FracDrill™, and should therefore require more WOB to effectively engage and fail plug materials. Fill out the forms below to download each Taurex FracDrill™ case study.
Completion Bits
FracDrill™ Series
FracDrill™ Series
• Reduce the risk of a trip with the reliability of a PDC bit
• Mitigate non-productive-time (NPT)
• Consistent performance with no moving parts
• Overcome the technical limitations of junk mills with a proven, winning technology Compare FracDrill™ to Traditional Roller Bits
Compare FracDrill™ to Traditional Junk Mills
Case Studies
Read About Our Other Completion Bits